
Flower Pot Card and Tutorial

This is a flower pot card made which can be made free hand without any particular template but using a template improves the symmetry and geometry!. I quilled the decorations on the flower pot and made punch heart roses for the insert card.The shiny leaves are cut from corrugated paper.

Flower Pot Card

Quilled Flower Pot
Heart Punch Roses
How to Make this card.
From a folded A 4 card cut out a flower pot shape.Use the templates I have made if you wish.
Fold down the scalloped edge
Use liquid glue, glue dots or foam tape to stick the flower pot shape to the base card
Decorate your flower pot with quilled shapes and 3 D glitter or whatever you fancy
Make an insert piece which is longer than the flower pot and has a width shorter than the base of the flower pot so that it is easy to insert and pull out

Flower pot card template White

Scalloped Flower pot card template

Flower Pot card Base template

Flower pot card insert template
Make heart punch flowers [Check out tutorial for heart punch roses] and Cut leaves from green card
Glue the roses only on the top of the insert piece.Your card is done.
Check out more Flower Cards.


  1. Beautiful card! Thanks for tutorial!

  2. lovely card...n very good tutorial thanks :)

  3. Very cute card, your imagination have not limits.Congratulations!

  4. lovely card the flowers have come out so pretty.and thanks for sharing the template.

  5. Tks so much for dropping by! Appreciate it! :)
    Really cool work! You do some cute flowers and brilliant that you shared the tutorials! :) Lovely cards too!

  6. Very pretty. Love the leaves. I've made a similar one. Will be posting it next week.

  7. Roses and quilled decorations makes the card more pretty and lovely.fabulous card.

  8. Thank you Leanne. Would love to see yours

  9. Thank you Angelin.I agree flowers and quill are really great decorative elements

  10. such nice colors combined and pot is looking so cute..


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