
Fridge Magnet Multipurpose Holder

Fridge Magnet

Hi crafty friends....I can't believe it has been more than a year since my last blogpost. Life was busy and though I did craft occasionally...I didn't have an inclination to  blog or be active on social media.I guess we all do go through such phases isn't it.

My project today is  something I made for my home......it is a multipurpose holder with magnets on the back to help attach it to the fridge door. It is roomy enough to hold bills,a notebook and pen .

Handmade Roses
My kitchen has a predominance of the colour red and  so my fridge magnet too had to be red! The foliage was made with Heartfelt creations stamps and dies. and the shiny flower was made with Shrink plastic.
Shrink Prink Flower
The paper rose and rose bud were made with dies and thick card stock.

Handmade Rose
I hope you like my project.Do comment so that I can drop by and visit you too. I sure do feel rusty to blog after so long!
Linking the  Darnell's NBUS challenge.NBUS item is the Gateway die from Heartfelt Creations


  1. So pleased to see you blogging again, Sonia. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has missed seeing your wonderful creations. What a fabulous project you are sharing for your first one in 2023! xx

    1. Thank you so much Liz...so good to reconnect with you

  2. So pleased to see you blogging again. I have missed you wonderful creations. Those roses look so real. Hugs Mrs A.

  3. Glad you're back and blogging again :-)

  4. Hi DR. Sonia! We missed you! I’ve been through your blog several times during this year, to review some of your beautiful works. I was a little worried that we didn’t hear from you, but I’m glad to see that everything is okay now! : )
    Your new project is gorgeous as only you can do, wow! A fridge holder with magnets it's a great idea! I suppose that the magnet you used is very strong to to hold the weight of the notepad inside it. All the the flowers and foliage look amazing!
    Waiting for new projects in the days ahead!

    1. I don't know why, but I saw just now that my name disappeared by the list of your followers, so I signed up again! :)

    2. That is so sweet of you ...thank you Alice

  5. Welcome back, Sonia! You have created a wonderfully festive and yet very useful project with magnets to snap onto the fridge! Thank you for inspiring everyone at NBUS! Hugs, Darnell

    1. Thank you Darnell..I found it so useful I made one for my mom too

  6. Bee-utiful creation. Nice to see you back. I did not blog post every day last yr and just got around to this year posting.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

    1. So glad to reconnect with you Melissa...I didnt realise I missed my blogger friends!!

  7. Lovely to see you again Sonia and can totally identify with how life gets in the way and there's a disinclination to craft and blog, happens to us all.

    But I can see you still produce beautiful projects and this one is a delight.

    B x

    1. It is so good to see a comment from you Brenda

  8. Welcome back and what a come back, this is gorgeous and so useful. Thankyou for sharing.xx

  9. Welcome back, gorgeous projects and such a useful item to display, love it, hugs, Lori m

  10. It's great to see you back blogging again sonia, I know just what you mean blogging took a backstep for me last year too. I'm hoping to be better this year. I love your gorgeous project, it must look fabulous sitting on your fridge.

    Sue xx

    1. So glad you dropped by Sue...I am not making any commitments to myself about blogging regularly as then it becomes a strain!

  11. How wonderful it was to see your comment on my blog, Sonia! It's even more wonderful knowing you are able to blog again, with such a romantic, beautiful creation! Wishing you all the best in 2023! hugs, de

  12. Nice to see you back and with such a beautiful project too. Well done on using NBUS.

  13. Wow! What a beautiful make, and a use one too -- so many pretty details

  14. This is stunning, the roses look real! So happy to have you back in Blogland!

  15. Gorgeous! I'm so glad you're back to blogging.


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