
House Shaped Box


House Shaped Box

Hi friends do you sometimes look back on an old project and felt it was downright boring! Well I decided to revamp this somewhat plain paper holder I made  more than 3 yrs back!

House Shaped Box

I love adding handmade flowers to my projects and find making flowers from shrink plastic absolutely fantastic! 
Shrink Plastic
There is something magical about cutting a sheet of plain plastic , heating it , oohing and aahing over how it shrinks & shaping it into a beautiful flower!

House Shaped Box
Here is how the box looks with the roof removed!

House Shaped Box
And hehe though this is a utility item, I admit I don't really use the papers from this holder...this paper holder just sits on my table for me to look at and smile!!

Supplies used: Dies :  Flower and Leaf dies from Dress My Craft, Lace ,Leaf- Crealies. Papers : Graphic 45 Time to Flourish


  1. You really are back into the swing of things Sonia and I am loving seeing your beautiful creations again. This is yet another real beauty and so pleased you have shared with us at Allsorts, thank you.

    B x

    1. Hehe Yes Brenda...I didnt realise just how much I missed crafting!

  2. It would certainly make me smile too Sonia, it is gorgeous.

  3. Awww... Amazing revamp full of dimensional details, love so much your shrink flowers and leaves... and that border around the roof is so sweet!

    1. Thank you so much Alice...Shrink plastic is my latest love!

  4. Hi, Sonia! I would sit and smile if that was on my desk, too! Your "re" creation is LOVELY! It is like walking through a fragrant garden while sitting and doing work! It would be a great potpourri holder! I have never considered using shrink plastic with die cuts - my shrink wrap is older than the first die cut machine - does that tell you how long it has been since I thought of playing with it? OH SO BEAUTIFUL, Sonia! hugs, de

    1. Oh really...that is reassuring to know..I have crafty stuff that are a decade old and it gives me such a kick when I finally use them!!

  5. This is stunning, so beautiful. I would not use it either, too beautiful and it is better to enjoy looking at it. Great idea with the shrink plastic!

    1. Thank you so much Donna...hehe great crafty minds think alike

  6. So happy to see you crafting back

  7. oh my goodness this is absolutely gorgeous. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Allsorts challenge this week.

  8. Wow, this box is gorgeous with all those beautiful homemade flowers and lovely papers! What a gorgeous floral technique! So happy you shared this with us at Paper à la Mode! ~Katrina

  9. Stunning! Thank you for sharing your creation with us at the Outlawz Paper A La Mode Challenges. Shirley M., DT.


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