Quilled Recycled Box
Quilled Box |
Quilling is a paper-craft which can be as elaborate or as simple as you want-- the result is always rewarding!
This was the hideous looking notepad holder box I recycled .
Recycled Craft |
I wrapped the box in some pearlised paper and added some punched leaves and quilling .
Quilled Box |
I always feel pearls can glamorize even mundane creations!I used 4 types of pearl beads on this quilled box.
Quilled Box |
Added some pink lace to augment the textures of the quilling box.
Quilled Box |
I especially like the way the top folds into place on a slot on the box.
Quilled Box |
Linking the Quilled Box to Craftycardmakers[beads]
The card is not a matching card to the quilled box but a simple quilled card I am entering for CAS at
ICR. I find CAS a difficult concept indeed and salute all those ladies out there who churn up such beautiful CAS creations.
Quilled Card |
Since many of my blogger pals have expressed an interest to learn quilling - sharing the link of my quilling guru
Suganthi!Suganthi has the most awesome picture tutorials to learn quilling !If videos are your preferred learning media my blogger pal
Pritesh has some awesome video tutorials on quilling
Do let me know how you liked these simple crafts.
Edited: My quilled box became top 5 at
Crafty Cardmakers