Hot Air Balloon Craft |
Dear friends I had earlier posted about a
DIY sheep costume we made for my daughter's show and tell .Well recently the Hindi Show and Tell theme was
modes of transport . While most kids took toy cars or at the most paper aeroplanes my high achiever little one insisted she wanted to take a
home made hot air balloon.
Hot Air Balloon Craft |
This was dictated to me in the morning and we had to take the project to school the next day![Translate that to make mommy stressed out!]
That day my work was too hectic and I couldnt really devote time to design let alone think about her hot air balloon!
It broke my heart when in the evening she tried to make a balloon all on her own![Kids do have ways to make us moms feel guilty dont they!].
So I finally cleared my brain of the work weary lethargy and stapled a paper cylinder to make the basket [like I made the
wishing well] for her hot air balloon
Hot Air Balloon Craft |
We had some newspaper rolls left over from our woodland
recycled craft and she stuck the rolls inside the paper cylinder while our Goldy tried to sleep among all the mess created by our hot air ballon craft!
Hot Air Balloon Craft |
I cut out a circle for the base of the basket and my little one glued the zig zag teeth to the circle to complete the base of our paper hot air balloon.
Hot Air Balloon Craft |
We chopped off the paper rolls to make them all the same length and stuck a CD atop using white glue[ fevicol mr] .I mostly played a photographer's role in this hot air balloon craft
Hot Air Balloon Craft |
For the top,a paper mache balloon would have been ideal or a lovely paper pieced one but we didnt have that kind of time and so we decided to use an air filled plastic ball in our hot air balloon craft
Hot Air Balloon Craft |
We stuck a disc of paper on the shiny surface of the CD and my daughter applied a crazy amount of glue on the top of the CD before sticking the ball.Surprisingly our plastic ball stuck well and survived the journey to school and back!
My daughters school is big on recycling and when we finished she proudly exclaimed to me that since we had recycled a CD and newspapers,our hot air balloon was a recycled craft!
Hot Air Balloon Craft |
We didnt have much time for decorating and so this project went rather raw to her school!Surprisingly my daughter came home that day beaming that not only her Hindhi teacher but also the Principal of the school had praised her hot air balloon!
So any similarly harassed moms out there take heart sometimes crazily put together simple projects turn out great !!
Edited : This project was the top pick of 2 of the Designers at
Come and Get it recycle theme challenge..so thrilled!!