
Easel Card with Kirigami Pop Up Card Instructions

Easel Card with Kirigami Pop up
This Easel Card with a Kirigami Pop up combines embossing, stamping and a self designed Kirigami pop up pattern! 
I hand embossed the roses using a gorgeous embossing plate Lisa Jane of MIM sent me as part of a giveaway win.
Embossed Rose
I used a wooden leaf stamp also sent from the UK by Lisa Jane[from MIM]to add red leaves.
So far I have made Kirigami cards using designs from books or the net - today I wanted my design to match the rose- leaf pattern so designed my own pattern-- It was fun and not as difficult as I thought.
Kirigami Pop up card Tutorial
I made the Kirigami Pop up pattern look "CAS" [Clean and Simple] and not too complicated! What do your say?
How to make a Kirigami Pop Up card
This is not the best of my tutorials as the light was atrocious while I made it and so didnt snap many pictures.If you need clarifications do let me know and I shall post clearer instructions in another Kirigami card tutorial.
Materials Required to make a Kirigami Pop up card
Paper: Use 180 g or lesser card stock - White , cream give the best effect in Kirigami pop up cards
For this pattern I just used a cream sheet from my daughters drawing book as my pattern is not elaborate and does not have much cutting involved. If your pattern has lots of cuts you need to use a card stock.I dont like to use very thick card stock as it doesnt fold very well.
White Glue: For kirigami pop up cards,the trick is to use a glue which is strong and fast drying. Use the minimal amount of glue but be sure to apply it evenly till the edges of your design.
Craft Knife: A sharp craft knife is essential- I don't recommend any brand- even cheap brands would do as long as the blade is new and sharp.
Cutting Surface: Use your Kitchen cutting board or a cutting mat if you have one.
Kirigami Pattern: There are many free patterns on the net if you Google it but today I will share how you can design a simple pattern yourself.
Draw a kirigami pattern
I wanted my Kirigami pop up to match my rose - leaf pattern so roughly drew a rose and leaf. For a kirigami pattern you need to have the top and the bottom a bit flat as these are the anchor points of your pop up so I designed the lower 2 petals flat and positioned the leaf to be slanting at the top

Kirigami Pop up card Tutorial
Draw some simple cutting patterns within your main image- I kept mine simple for this card.You can plan and draw your pattern on the reverse side so that you dont have to erase lines[just reverse your fold lines accordingly in that case]
Kirigami Pop up card Tutorial
Cut out areas as I have done her- dont cut out more as then you will compromise on the support of your pop up and your Kirigami Pop up may buckle.
Kirigami Pop up card Tutorial
Plan your creases.Now comes the maths! I am not a maths enthusiast [ that's why I became a doctor!!] but you need a bit of "paper engineering calculation" to get a pop up card right!
The blue  line will be the central crease [which lies on your card's central gully].Note that it does not run through the image.

The red lines- are valley folds and are the places where your popup is anchored to your base.
The green line- is a mountain fold. And its position is such that distances a= a.
Kirigami Pop up card Tutorial
Cut your Kirigami pop up pattern image all around except at the anchoring points shown by the dotted red lines.
Score creases at red and blue lines.
Fold and let the green crease occur naturally![So you can get around the maths too!!]
Kirigami Pop up card
Your Kirigami pop up pattern is ready.Apply glue till the edges and stick on a backing card of contrasting colors.


  1. very pretty, love the pop up rose, its beautiful!!!

  2. Its so pretty! Lovely details... and the pop up rose is b'ful!

  3. How beautiful, thank you for the great tutorial!

  4. love pop up cards - very fun!
    I'm following you! http://thecraftingfiend.blogspot.com/

  5. wao..the embossed rose is looking nice! nice effort!!

  6. Anonymous12/10/11

    i would love to try this sonia...i love pop up cards and this looks cute

  7. Wow...I can't believe you made that pop up...it's fabulous. Your card is clean, simple, and fabulous. Love the tutorial too....made me laugh with the math business. Thanks for sharing!

  8. You did a wonderful job, Sonia! Clean, simple and romantic I might add. I wish you best of luck on both challenges!


  9. Thank You so much dear friends

  10. Wow Sonia!! This is amazing..Thank you so much for the wonderful tutorial!

  11. oh this is so pretty ... i love the embossed rose and the red and white is a gorgeous colour combo.
    Fab tutorial as always
    Lisa x

  12. Hello Sopnia honey! I hope you are having a wonderful week!

    I love this - another brilliant make by you! Gorgeous and fresh!

  13. Its a lovely card ...
    I love the red leaves.
    good work ..

  14. Sonia
    As you know right now I am busy, busy but I just had to comment on this great tutorial. You have given me such a boost to try my own pop up cards. I love them. Your card is wonderful. I am so glad I found you.
    p.s. I am going to post a little post this week and it has nothing to do with cards. lol

  15. Myrna so excited to have you drop in- I did miss my blogger pal!
    Lisa so glad you liked the card I made with your goodies!
    Diane yeah I still cheat at Maths!!
    Nisha do try some pop ups.
    Kalindi I love the leaf stamp and am tempted to make lots of cards with it!

  16. Wow!! This is awesome work.. The pop up rose is beautiful!

  17. Great clean and simple easel card that looks so pretty! :)Amy

  18. Thank you for visiting me and letting me know about my win over at Lisa's. My computer has been acting up and every time I have time to do comments my server is down.
    Thanks again.
    Your pop up easel card is beautiful I love those colors.
    DIANA L.

  19. Such lovely card you have made. So much work put into it. Looks stunning. Thanks for taking part in our Easel card challenge over at BMC.
    Love n hugs

  20. So elegant, beautiful colors, wonderful design!

  21. You never cease to amaze me with your beatiful work!!! This card is amazing and so beautifully elegant with the embossed flowers! What a treat with the flower inside too! I always love your work!

  22. Wonderful card. I've always love krigami but... Never tried.

  23. Great tutotial, I love roses!

  24. wow, that is so pretty. You are so good at these cards

  25. Sonia, this is stunning!! The embossed roses are absolutely beautiful! And the pop-up rose is so gorgeous! Thank you for the tutorial, too - you are so amazing and sweet to always take the time to offer the instructions! I adore this beautiful card!! And thank you so much for linking up with Amy's Embossable You Challenge at Love to Crop!

    Love to Crop Guest Designer

  26. I love all your card tutorials! So explanatory and neat! Thanks for sharing

  27. This is just so lovely. You always amaze me with your creativity!!

  28. hi sonia.this is fantastic.very nice.like the pop up technique.

    its my new handicraft store do visit it.


  29. Pretty Rose easel pop-up card.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  30. Great card! Nice embossing!

  31. Oh wow! This looks awesome Sonia! :)

  32. lovely card DR Sonia and welcome to the world of stamping ,hope to see many more stamping creations from you!! the embossed rose looks so beautiful , loved the kirigami too!!

  33. Such a cool project. I did some Kirigami projects years ago and had forgotten about them. Thanks for reminding me :)


  34. Looks fab, you are so creative turning simple into stunning,

  35. Pretty work...and nice tutorial


  36. thanks for all the effort in putting up tutorials for us

  37. I love your embossed roses and the pop up is awesome. I can't cut anything with a craft knife (always jagging my cuts) but I see you have no trouble. You've made a pretty easel card...don't you just love that type card? I do.

  38. very pretty.


  39. Absolutely great tutorial! I must try this. Pinned it for later.

  40. Nice card Sonia and thanks for the tutorial !!! U have always been a gr8 source of Inspiration for me

  41. Thank You so much dear friends for all the loving comments and encouragement

  42. Very pretty and rose is looking too much lovely...

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  43. I love the pop up rose. Very neat! I've never attempted kirigami before. Think I should consider giving it a try.

  44. I love the pop up rose. Very neat! I've never attempted kirigami before. Think I should consider giving it a try.

  45. Fabulous hun love the pop up rose!!

  46. Sonia, this is beautiful! I love that I see you stamping and embossing. That is fantastic news! Great hand sketched rose.

  47. This is such a pretty easel card Sonia.
    Thanks for joining us at Bearly Mine for our challenge this time and good luck. luv gina xx

  48. wow..
    i like this DR,,
    i think i also should try for the pop up card..
    do visit mine..

  49. Oh wow.. this is gorgeous. You are so creative Sonia :) I thought Easel would be bery diifficult. Great tutorial..

    Thanks for playing along at CraftyJC Simplicity Challenge

  50. Anonymous18/10/11

    oh wow!! super duper impressive!! Love this... one!!

  51. omg Have never seen anything like this brilliant job Dr

  52. what a clever creation, really good idea

    Good luck in the challenges, hugs Sarah-Louise My Blog

    Designing for:
    Crafty Purple Frog , Sweet Pea Stampers ,Bearly Mine Designs , Kenny K and My Time To Craft

  53. Fab tutorial hun, that rose is gorjuss, thanks for joining us at Bling It On this month.
    Shell xx


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