
Spoon Crafts Tutorial - Recycling Craft

Spoon Craft Flower
My regular readers know how much of a junk collector I am-- well in addition to cardboard, thermocol , packaging etc ,etc I also cant bring myself to throw away those plastic spoons we are all so bombarded with in our modern life!
My stash became huge recently and I have much more than I can use for every tin in my kitchen! So my daughter and I decided to do some crafting with our spoons! Sharing some ideas for spoon crafts
Spoon Crafting 
Spoons-- In our house we have all shapes and colors! Most of them ice cream spoons [ Yeah we eat a lot of ice cream!!]
Spoon Crafts
You can create crafts using the whole spoon [ like in our spoon craft doll]or cut off the cupped part to make spoon craft flowers like we did.
How to cut spoons
Spoon Crafts
Most spoons can be cut easily with a scissors.
Some are however brittle and break if you use a scissors- In such a case soften the plastic by running through a candle flame a couple of times and then cut with the scissors-- The flame can discolor your spoon black but this can be wiped off .
Spoon Crafts
For making spoon flowers a glue gun is indispensable -- you can magically make all kinds of flowers!
Here is our most basic flower- made by sticking the back of the spoon on a disc of thick card.

Spoon Craft Flower
These lovely shaped spoons are from the Mc Donalds ice cream sundaes! We stuck a glitter flower [from my blogger pal Snehal who so generously sent me these Pie Lane metallic flowers] at the center
Spoon Craft Flower
My daughter chose the designs and which flower went on top!
Spoon Craft Flower
We stuck a double layer of spoons to make this spoon craft flower!
Spoon Craft Flower
I glued the pink tiny spoons to a paper cone to make the center of this spoon flower
Spoon Craft Flower
My 5 year old gets some amazing ideas sometimes and after our intial crafting experiments she declared she wanted a "3 D flower" which was popping up and  this is what we came up with
Spoon Craft Flower
Without a glue gun this would have been impossible I think!
Spoon Craft Flower
When we got bored admiring our white spoon lily, we painted it pink to make a pink Spoon Lotus!
Spoon Craft Flower
I think the cream one looked better..... what do you think?
Spoon Craft Flower
We found lots of uses for these spoon flowers----
  • Secure to a ribbon and use as curtain tie backs
  • Car hanging
  • Xmas tree decoration- add a loop of ribbon or string
  • Add as decoration on a gift box
Also sharing a spoon craft doll my 5 year old brought home from her craft class at school!
Spoon Craft Doll

I just love this spoon ballerina!
Spoon Craft Doll
Do tell me how you liked our spoon craft ideas.
You can "Pin" this tutorial by clicking this button : Pin It
Edited: This Spoon craft was featured at Grant Life and Inspire me Fridays-- Thank You Ladies for liking our simple crafts.www.thegrantlife.com

Here are links to more Handmade flower tutorials

Handmade foam flower tutorials

Foam Rose tutorial

Foam cala lily tutorial

Foam Rose tutorial

Handmade Rose tutorial -Clay/playdough,Mseal,Marzipan,Styrofoam[Thermocol]

Playdough Rose tutorial

Thermocol flowers tutorial

Edible rose tutorial

Mseal Rose tutorial

Handmade Flower tutorials - Crystal flowers,Easy Beaded flowers, Sponge roses

Crystal Flower tutorial

Beaded flower tutorial

Spoon flower tutorial
Sponge flower tutorial


  1. BLESS YOU SONIA! I have a LOT of plastic spoons hanging around and now, I think I have that breakthrough idea I was hunting for! :) THANKS A TON!

  2. Goody-- I would love to see what you make Pritesh!

  3. who would think of that ! really amazing ! Loveit...I loved the pink lotus more :)

  4. Hi Dr. Sonia. You are one amazing lady. What a great way to use the spoons and those flowers are just gorgeous. They would look lovely as a decoration on a large gift box wouldnt they. Well done. Happy crafting.
    Love Sandra xx

  5. Can you e-mail me your phone number at pritzd@gmail.com Sonia? You sound like the person I would love to know better and I have a rather deep emotional bond to Bangalore as it is! I lived there all through my Masters and PhD :-)

  6. Wow this is super cool.what a great way to use spoons which are always easy to find in any house

  7. I will never be able to look at a spoon the same way again,I love this idea so much! Excellent recycling and great tutorial!

  8. Wow Sonia I had to look twice to see that they were spoons I think my fav is the lotus one amazing have a great weekend
    Jacki xx

  9. Wow! Who knew you could make these fantastic things with spoons!! Love it!


  10. Sonia!!! you are a Khazana of recycling ideas!!! this one is a master piece!

  11. Nice way of using spoons. The white flower looks awesome. Kudos to your DD for giving you some intelligent inputs.

  12. I absolutely love your 3d flower...your daughter is quite the brilliant crafter. I can see painting one of those red, adding some glittery leaves to the bottom and maybe a gold bow, and using it on top of a Christmas gift box...or stacking some in a bowl or on a gold plate and making a centerpiece for the table. Oh man, I my mind is working overtime. I love this idea. Now I will have a great excuse to eat more ice cream sundaes too. I also love your daughter' spoon ballerina. She couldn't be any cuter. And your daughter did a great job with that precious face...must be hard to write on a curved spoon. What fun this morning. I am going to print this post out and put it in my "to try" journal. What fun!

  13. Sonia,how did u add those corners to the photos?

  14. well you are undoubtedly the queen of recycling i would never have been able to come up with such an idea ...those flowers look so pretty!!

  15. nice idea doc.....me too tried this one...but i did with pista nut shells .....


  16. Superb use of those spoons.Loved that pink lotus especially and...ofcourse creation by your little wonder.

  17. wonderful creativity looking super

  18. brilliant!!! I always used these plastic spoon to make boy/girl puppets with my students.....but I never tought to make those beuatiful flowers :)
    thanks for sharing
    hugs from Brazil and have a nice weekend.

  19. Wonderful spoon/flower projects. Sure wish I was better with using a glue gun. I'll have to practice more. Bring on the spoons.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  20. How smart..very well usage! spoon recycling is always interesting,My sister's kidos drink pedia sure & you know the spoon shape? she always throw the spoons but i told her that I can recycle these, give me the spoons next time, so she give me so many & I have done a very smart project with these spoons!I will share soon on blog & hopefully you will enjoy to see my version with spoon recycling!
    & yes your doll's crafted spoon doll is pretty :)

  21. Why didn't I think of that! I have thrown many of the broken plastic spoons! You are so creative, The pink lotus is so beautiful. I love the spoon puppet, It looks like a Bharata Natyam dancer to me:-) Wow! we can create peacock, lotus and dancer and teach our culture to our kids

  22. Sandra Thank You I edited the post to include your gift box idea.
    Priya the border on the photos is a frame inserted with my photoediting software[ I use a freeware called photoscape]
    Diane adding green leaves is such a cool idea. Thank You
    Prasanthi -- waiting to see your spoon creations now
    Rosana do share the puppet photos if you have them.
    Khadija[creative mind]-- our Pediasure spoons are huge I couldnt think of something to make with them so waiting to see your post!
    Esther wow wow so many ideas from you!! Thank You for sharing and leaving such lovely comments

  23. Hussena Thank You I love that name "Queen of recycling" Ha HA !!

  24. What creativity!!!This is another great project of yours. I like you use diffrent materials. Flower you have made looks so beautiful!

  25. OMGosh! This is so creative! I love them all. That ballerina is GREAT! Your daughter is super talented like her mother.

    Be Blessed, Beckie

  26. Wat an idea Dear Doc....Absolutely enjoying everytime ...Great....

  27. Vowww!!!all are sooo gud....never imagined that we can beautiful things out of spoons....
    thanks for sharing!!

  28. Awesome idea to recyle the spoons! Loved all the spoon flowers and the spoon craft doll.

  29. Wow..what a great idea!! will definitely try to make something like this..:) just loved it :)

  30. Oh my goodness, only you would come up with an idea using a spoon from McDonald's. Your flowers are just the best and the little doll is just too cute. So creative!

  31. wow what great flowers. you are so creative. your daughter doll is so cute.

  32. Łyżeczki plastikowe świetny pomysł.Gratulacje.

  33. I am also a trash collector but I have not done anything of this sort simply spell bound by your spoon ideas.Ballerina is also cute.Sweet hug to your little one

  34. there really awsome love all of them, so creative!!!

  35. Thank You so much dear friends for the sweet comments and wonderful ideas

  36. OMGosh--- You are just so amazing. This is just incredible with these spoons. Next time I use a plastic spoon you will come to mind with all these creative ideas you have with recycling
    DIANA L.

  37. This is such a super fun idea! Great way to recycle those plastic spoons!

  38. oh wow what a fab idea... they look wonderful
    Lisa x

  39. Thank you for the marvelous ideas for reusing plastic spoons. I so enjoy seeing the projects that you and your daughter make.

  40. You are amazing crafter! Love how you turned the spoons in so beautiful flowers! The pink lily flower is wonderful!


  42. I love all your work is Beautiful!
    Greetings Baukje

  43. You are amazing!

  44. WOW that lotus flower (both of em!) is AMAZING, I can't believe you did it all with spoons! I also love the layered one with the little pink spoons around the center. I would have NEVER thought of these as a craft tool, you're so clever!

    -rachel w k

  45. Those are the most clever thing I have ever seen. I love them. Who would have thought that plastic spoons would make such pretty flowers? Well of course you would have :)

  46. Hi! Stopping by from the Joyful stamper. These are adorable.. and made me giggle a little too. Very creative! Also, I would love for you to share this at my friday link party. Its new so I would love to have you link up :)

  47. wow.... u can create gorgeousness out of anything.... its super super... I could not even possibly think of this....

  48. Oh so wonderful Dr Sonia....love all the different styles. Especially the one using the pink spoons as the inside petals. You and your daughter have such fun.

  49. hey...that was really cute idea...even i use to think wot to do with the used spoon..but ultimately goes in trash.. its sweet sonia.

  50. So excellent idea for using spoons,there is no word to say ................

  51. Thank You so much dear friends

  52. Oh god! Are these spoons???? Sonia... what to say... hats off! All the variations are damn b'ful! 3D one is the best... and the spoon doll is the prettiest.. Hugs... Priya...

  53. From Sonia to Sonia
    OMG!!! Very cool idea! Look fabulous. I collect the spoons(ice creams small spoons)
    Thanks for sharing Sonia

  54. Wow! Awesome flowers! Very creative :)

  55. Wow! You amaze me! This is just a fabulous idea!

  56. Anonymous13/11/11

    So creative! I love recycle/reuse projects!

  57. Wow, this looks awesome! You are so creative :)

  58. Spoon crafts is a new one to me. I have seen chocolate spoons but nothing like this. Fun idea and a fun day with your daughter. **Linda

  59. Sonia, you just blow me away!! I cannot believe all of the things you create with!! Just awesome!!

  60. Awesome idea .Love the pink flower best .
    hugs Shirley-anne

  61. What a fantastic idea and soo beautiful Dr Sonia.. Loz

  62. Thank You so much dear friends

  63. Hello Sonia honey! Sorry I haven't been around much, been working very (too!) hard!

    Love this - so much fun1 You are such a clever thing, I love visiting you!

  64. Hello Doctor..You do wonderful recycling crafts:) This is very ncie and thanks for sharing the tutorial..Being a doctor how do u find time for doing such wonderful stuffs:) Really great.. I wonder whether you sleep or not???

  65. Dear Merlyn-- Ha Ha Thank You!! yeah I do sleep less honestly!! [Some days its 5 hours while some days its 10 hrs!!]And this project was done a month back so now you know I actually dont get the time and thats why I dont take on any craft commitments like DT posts!!

  66. You look at things in a creative way Sonia. Never imagined a plastic spoon turning into a nice 3d flower!!! superb. the doll is also very good. hats off to you both.

  67. What wonderful ideas!!! I bet my grandson would like creating some fun little flowers!

  68. Awesome tutorial... Love your daughter's puppet...its soooo cute!!

  69. So clever, who would have thought!! Great way to recycle. Love it!

  70. Another amazing make from what other people would deem trash. Your daughter is a real crafter. Hugs Mrs A.

  71. Amazing work...wow, your creativity is endless. :)

  72. Anonymous14/11/11

    Wow! awesome idea... of using spoons! Liked it very much!

  73. Love your ideas! Wonderful way to recycle! At my school we use sporks, I'm thinking of the possiblities..... Thank you for the inspiration! Your are awesome! It is always a treat to visit your blog! Hugs from Texas!

  74. you have always such an amazing ideas...when my son will be lil older I am going to hooked to your blog:)

  75. OMG!!! This is something no one can imagine. Its super brilliant idea. You are indeed an amazingly talented lady.
    Love to be your follower.

  76. Anonymous14/11/11

    sonia ur ideas are mindblowing.... i ve become a mad fan of ur crafts whch r sooo creative....wrds just cnt fill ths

  77. Anonymous14/11/11

    Oh my gosh.. thats stunning.. I totally loved.. the lotus look of these spoons.. wow!! wow!!

  78. wow !! How creative.... i love the spoon lotus.... !!! I have lots of icecream spoons at home....& I am gonna try this out...!! . This is gonna look beautiful in a christmas tree too... !!

  79. Ur really super talented lady love to see ur crafts more :) plz drop by when u find time my blog : http://ingeniousmrs.blogspot.com/

  80. Super fun! I am trying very hard to do more recycling for my kids crafts instead of buying as many new supplies b/c it can be so wasteful. Thanks for the great ideas and inspiration. I do like the pink flower better than the original white, but they are both pretty :)

  81. How BRILLIANT is that...

    And I love the doll as well. You are an amazing crafter.

    xxx Monica

  82. Sonia you are the absolute queen of recycle my friend :) I love all those wonderful flowers and the sweet little doll is the best!!

  83. Oh my god! Fantastic idea! Great way to recycle all those spoons I have lying around!

  84. Oh my gosh, you are so creative and amazing! What a fabulous idea using spoons!! Your projects always, always amaze me!! I love both lotus flowers but the cream one is gorgeous! All of your projects are just stunning! And I LOVE your daughter's spoon craft doll!! So adorable!! :)


  85. Hello Dr Sonia, how creative! Love your craft projects though I am more to gardening stuffs. Have a great day :-D

  86. Super creative! love the lotus..white or pink! WOW

  87. It is so exciting popping over to see what you and your creative daughter have been making with everyday items! You never cease to amaze! Beautiful flowers, love both the cream and pink and a gorgeous ballerina your daughter made, take careX:)

  88. Thank You so much dear friends-- my computer issues are far from over so I am just getting around to visiting all those who drop in to my blog.

  89. This is so amazing!! I love the pink Lotus! :D You have a really crafty kiddo, I adore her contributions to all the projects you do.. & I love that ballerina too! :)

  90. oh I have to say the cream one and wow would never have thought to do this - I need to see the wood and not the trees, love the little doll too, lovely to craft together
    Hugs Kate xx

  91. Hello friend! You were featured today!

    Check it out!

  92. Thank You Kelley I am honored

  93. Oh my goodness Dr Sonia, these projects are awesome! I actually have a bunch of tiny spoons that I collect when we taste Hummus at the Farmer's Market...the man who runs the booth says he'll give me his extras and I finally have a reason LOL! I love the lotus flowers especially...maybe I could make a poinsettia...! Thanks for the inspiration!

  94. My god Dr sonia,simply awesome!!!!
    Your ideas are really superb....love that spoon craft.
    i thought doctors don have much time for themselves...you proved it wrong;)

  95. Your ideas are always so amazing. Every time I see a new idea, I call the family in and say "come look at what Sonia made now!!!"
    The spoon flowers and doll are extraordinary!

  96. what a wonderful idea a true desingers eye that takes recycling to another level love it ,just got to get some plastic spoons lol x

  97. I love that pink water-lily. You are a very creative lady! Kate x

  98. Oh My! Are you ever clever! This is just such another genius idea! So super creative! Thank you so much for sharing this with us!
    Visitor from MIMM

  99. Love the flowers, the spoon doll is such a great idea. You can use it for a place tag at your table. Just change the dress to match your theme.

  100. great ideas of making spoon flowers and spoon doll..i will try this someday..

  101. u r really very creative?

  102. wow! what a wonderful idea!!!!!!!

  103. Sonia, This is a fabulous idea, thanks for the Tut. I have had some of these sitting in my kitchen drawer for some time and will definitely have to give your flowers a try.
    :) Chris / CS Designs

  104. My son's teacher suddenly sent me a note yesterday that he has to take part in a re-cycle project as a part of the year end submissions , i had no idea what to do ..i googled and found ur page , and seeing ur work was just awesome ...i had alot of plastic icecream spoons at home ...after a quick chipping session ..off was it to school...thanx a ton for ur lovely page and work !! bravo ...was of gr8 help !!

    1. I am so glad to hear this blog was of help to you. In fact I started this blog initially to chronicle the school projects I did for my kiddo so that it would help other parents!! So sweet of you to let me know

  105. Anonymous2/5/15

    Love love love your work


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