
Easy Paper Christmas Tree Tutorial

Christmas Pop Up card
This Pop up Christmas card is part of my Guest DT post for For Fun challenges.
My coloring skills are atrocious-I find I neither have the patience nor the skill to tackle coloring! I can spend hours designing an interactive pop up card but pull my hair in despair when I have to color!
[My brain didn't function at all for the coloring and I had to take help from my 5 year old to choose color schemes!]So to compensate for poor coloring of the sponsor Digital image [from Michelle Perkett Studios] ,I am again bombarding my readers with yet another pop up card!
In this pop up card mechanism the fairy rises up from the pedestal as you can see here from the top view of the Christmas pop up card.
Christmas Pop Up card
I made a pop up standing card by slightly tweaking the tutorial by Dawn . I wanted a scene for the fairy so I stuck it on a folded A 4 card and created a Christmas scene with Christmas trees.
Christmas Pop Up card
Added some punchcraft flowers I had made and some doilies[a gift from bloggerpal Sudha ] pus thermocol balls.
I had quite a few requests on instructions to make the Origami tree I used in the house pop up card so sharing a mini tutorial
How to make a flat folding 3 Dimensional Paper Christmas tree
Materials Required
Colored Paper- Use thin paper so that it is easy to  fold.Cut 3-4 squares which can be of same size or different sizes.[Mine vary from 1.5 inch to 2.5 inch]
Glue-white glue
Paper Christmas tree
Fold the square of paper diagonally as shown above.Fold corner to corner.Open and fold the other corner to get the square as shown above.
Paper Christmas tree tutorial
Hold in the middle of your creased square as shown and bring towards the center.

Paper Christmas tree
This will give you a triangular shape as shown below.It is ok if it is not perfect as you can always snip off unsightly edges at the end.
Origami Christmas tree
Bring one corner of the upper triangular flap towards the center as shown.

Paper folding Christmas tree
Fold the other corner towards the center too to get your tree part as shown below.

Tea bag folding tutorial
Stick 3-4 such parts into each other and you have your quick and easy Paper Christmas tree.

Paper Christmas Tree Tutorial
You can make quick cards with your Paper Christmas tree or add  a string and hang as a Christmas decoration.
Christmas Pop Up card


  1. Wow Sonia, this is so so easy and wonderful! I am sure the green paper is recycled from somewhere :)

  2. Thank You Pritesh --no not recycled but very cheap A4 glitter paper bought for 1 rupee 50paisa!

  3. Love the tree...cheerful card.Thanks for sharing:)

  4. Hello Dr. Sonia. This is so beautiful. You come up with all these fabulous ideas, and I just love the technique for the tree, how fabulous. Happy crafting.
    With love, sandra xx

  5. Anonymous30/11/11

    Wow! you come up with different eyecatchy pop-up cards sonia with beautiful decors! keep it up..Lovely and very nice to watch it!

  6. Awesome tut again!!
    We had a cardmaking competition yesterday.....made a simple pop up card...... After submitting, i thought i should have made a card using your tuts!! but the teachers loved it!!! And I am sure the teachers would go crazy with ur cards!!! But the time limit was only an hour!!! Hope to see more!!

  7. Thank You Kavitha , Thank You Sandra
    Thank You Vidhya-- Yes I like to try different techniques
    Kavya awesome-- would love to see your pop up card!

  8. wonderful chrismas tree looking celebration of x,mas

  9. Love your Christmas tree, Dr. Sonia! It is amazing!! Thanks for sharing!!

  10. Wow fabulous n creative use of doilies too.


  11. Hi there Sonia. Isint it interesting that crafting brings out different talents in different people. You say that you dont have the patience for colouring, but I am amazed at your patience in making 3-D pop-up projects.I find that 3-D stuff very challenging and I am so scared to even attempt it. Your work is just fabulous so you dont have to feel about the miniscule colouring bit.

  12. Wow Sonia,Your card is GORGEOUS!I LOVE you tree and all the great details,Just BEAUTIFUL!!:)

  13. Very nice. I will also learn making pop cards. I loved all the cards you made.

  14. Your coloring skills are not atrocious...I think your fairy came out very pretty...and this card would be a fabulous display piece for the holidays. Love those origami Christmas trees with just the right amount of sparkle. Very cool card!

  15. замечательный МК!СПАСИБО

  16. Fab idea Doc! And a nice way to get the kids to do something for Christmas too!

  17. Smita Thank You -- guess you can try it with kids.
    Priya-- Thank You so much you are so right each person falls in love with a different thing!
    Diane--I didnt post the closeup shot of my coloring as it showed all the imperfections glaringly!
    Thank You so much dear friends for cheering me on!

  18. hey...those foil trees are delightful! Esp. since we woke up to snow here in Michigan! haha...wonderful card...darling christmas fairy too!

  19. These trees are gorgeous! You are so talented in your paper folding. WOW!

    Be Blessed, Beckie

  20. Very nice ideea, Sonia. Seam to be easy to make this project. I will try it at school with my students.Thanks for sharing this!!!

  21. Fabulous ! I love those trees.. they look really effective. " years ago all my cards had them on..and everyone loved them
    Lisa x

  22. Very nice! I love the dimensional trees! :)Amy

  23. How fab Sonia! really love that pretty fairy!

  24. What a fun project! I'm sure your daughter loved the 3-D popping effect too. Your trees are lovely. Thanks for joining us at Our Creative Corner this week!

  25. very cute card, love all the deatails and colors, and do love the trees!!!!

  26. Wow! I love the paper Christmas tree. The pop up and 3D look makes it a hit. We made a simple origami Christmas tree and a magnetic countdown.

    Do stop by! http://www.creativitymypassion.blogspot.com/2011/11/magnetic-christmas-countdown.html

  27. wow beautiful card... love the Christmas tree..

  28. What a fun card, Dr. Sonia! You sure are the queen of pop up card.

  29. Lovely fun card and a very clear tutorial for the tree [ which I plan to have a go at] - thanks for sharing

  30. see if u notice that I don't comment anymore ..
    then rest assured I have run out of words in your praise..
    I keep shut but visit your blog posts religiously enough.

  31. Hello Sonia! This is truly an amazing creation! I am speechless at your 3D creations ...they are magnificent! Not just this one, all of them! Thank you so much for joining us as our Guest Designer at For Fun Challenges.... it really is a pleasure for us!
    hugs and blessings,

  32. LOVE these trees, and it looks like the type of origami I can actually handle! Thanks for the great tips :)

    -rachel w k

  33. Wonderful creation and I love your trees. Thanks for the tutorial.

  34. I never get tired of seeing your pop up cards and I love those Christmas trees

  35. So does your 5 yoa help with taking pictures of your tutorial too? Or how do you get the pictures of you holding the item in your hand? I love your pop up cards. I don't think your coloring is bad. you can also look into to coloring them digitally. Sometimes I do that in photoshop. So glad that you have got to play the last few weeks.

  36. Your card is lovely, Sonia. You put such beautiful detail into your creations. Years ago I made the origami Christmas trees and I have forgotten how to do the fold. Thank you for sharing the tutorial. xxx

  37. very beautiful card. the tree and emblishments done for snow are too good.

  38. Pretty card with super trees

  39. Beautiful Christmas creation Sonia, many thanks for the tree tutorial, take careX:)

  40. Pretty pop up card....Every detailing is superb...Absolutely loved it!!!

  41. Wow this is absolutely gorgeous! You did an amazing job. You are so good with the directions as well. Thank you for taking the time to do that, I need step by step and you make it so easy!


  42. Sonia you never cease to amaze me!! You are so creative!! Love this latest card and those trees are so stinkin cool love them :)

  43. Kathy-- sometimes my daughter does help to take the photos but in this one I managed a one man show!

  44. Khalindi [Crafting Aberrigines]Thank You so much-- dont keep mum I am quite susceptible to praise!!

  45. another great project :) thanks foe shearing :)

  46. Anonymous2/12/11

    wah ths s what im expecting for and wow ths s simple yet superb...

  47. Sonia - thank you for taking the trouble to leave me a comment on my blog, it is so lovely to get feedback on my creations. I have had a good look round your blog and wonder how you find the time! Having a job, being a mun and maintaining a blog - wow! I am really inspired by your designs - think I may have to borrow your pop up house for some of my own projects if that is ok?

  48. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving some lovely comments - your blog amazes me, you have so many good ideas. I particularly like the pop up house, may i borrow the design for some of my own work please?

  49. What a neat card! Your coloring skills are NOT atrocious and those tree's ROCK! Awesome card! Thanks for playing at Whimsical Wednesdays!

  50. You have made a Fairy Tale Land come to life with this card. Like the trees. Thanks for the step by step on how to make the trees.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  51. I just love the technique for the tree..........how fabulous !!!You sure are the queen of pop up card........thanks for shearing .
    happy crafting.

  52. Soma Thank You Ha Ha I have been called queen of recycling and queen of pop up I love both titles!!Thank You Soma!
    Becky you are more than welcome to use any idea, pattern template etc you see here as I will be so happy it is of use to someone!
    Gigi Thank You for the vote of confidence on my coloring!!

  53. Gorgeous!!! Wow, this is such a cool card...I am totally loving it!!! Love those awesome trees and love that its a pop up card. Thanks for joining the challenge at Whimsical Designs!!!

  54. cute card, i really like your trees thanks so much for the turotial and thanks for sharing with us at whimdesigns be sure to come back today and tomorrow for our stamp sneak peeks and bloghop :)

  55. Wonderful trees and flowers. Thanks for the tutorial.


  56. What a cute Christmas card! Love the trees!

  57. This is so adorable. I love those trees. You make me want to get out some paper and start folding some straight away. What a fun and fabulous card.

  58. What gorgeous trees!! Wow, I absolutely love them! I definitely have to give these a try...you always make your projects sound easy when I know they aren't!! Thank you for another wonderful tutorial :)


  59. Wonderful card, those trees are amazing! Thanks for playing along with us at SOS this week :)

  60. Fabulous card,love the scene and the trees are wonderful...Thanks for joining in with us at Hooked on craft...
    Mandy x

  61. Hello Sonia. I saw this fantastic card tutorial on MIM and LOVE it..Faye

  62. Thank you for the lovley tree tutorial.. Your card is adorable..thanks for sharing on MIM...

  63. Congratulations on your Guest Design Team and your creation is beautiful. I will have to try out those trees!Great tutorial!
    Hugs Trish Munro

  64. love those trees and great tutorial...thanks for playing with us at Shopping our Stash this week!

  65. I saw this on MIM and had to pop over. The trees are wonderful.
    Nikki x

  66. AMAZING and beautiful creation . Love it .
    Your tutorial , as usual , very clear and easy to follow .
    Thanks for sharing on Make it Monday .

  67. really luv those trees....they were soo cute
    thanks for sharing dear..

  68. Oh my word.. that is beautiful.. Love the pop up trees and you did such a fab job with the stamped image..
    Thnx for joining in our fun over at Whimsical Designs..

  69. Hi Sonia! Wow, is this ever festive and fun! Love those folded trees and all of the beautiful details you added. Very pretty! Thanks so much for joining us at Our Creative Corner this week! :)

  70. Love this pop up card...I know the tutorial of Dawn's that you tweaked. And your 5 year old did a wonderful job with the color scheme. Thanks for joining us at Digistamps4Joy Merry Christmas Challenge #33...good luck ~ Charlene DS4J DT

  71. Hereby the examples we made with our group of (ex)cancerpatients, they all loved to fold the trees.
    Thanks for the nice idea
    Greetings Caroline

  72. OMG this is a wonderful pop up card sonia. just amazing, and i love the trees so much

  73. Anonymous12/12/11

    Thank you for always coming to Colours Dekor.. to link in.. Super like!! Brings a huge smile on my face.. So thank you for motivating me!!

    And doc.. this is simply awesome.. Where do you find the time and energy to do all these craft works... *sigh* Most of my ideas.. often remain in my head.. :-)

  74. How sweet, love the tree and thanks a bunch for the tutorial.

    Monica xxx

  75. Thanks so much for joining our Digistamps 4 Joy "MERRY CHRISTMAS - NO ANIMALS" Challenge with your beautifully executed creation!
    luv n huggz

  76. Doc your tuts are awesome, I want to try this one.xx
     { aNNie}

  77. I think your coloring is great. Thanks for the tutorial. I am inspired now to make some of these.


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